Wholesale Agreement

Between Dazzled Venus (hereinafter referred to as “Wholesaler”) and Retailers (hereinafter referred to as “Retailer”)

1. Definitions

  • Wholesaler: Dazzled Venus, the online jewelry store.
  • Retailer: Physical stores or shop-in-shop partners purchasing products from Wholesaler.

2. Responsibilities

Wholesaler Responsibilities:

  1. Inventory Delivery:

    • Wholesaler agrees to deliver inventory to Retailer as agreed upon.
  2. Image Rights:

    • Wholesaler retains all rights to images of products provided.
    • Retailer may use these images solely for sales purposes on their website or in-store.

Retailer Responsibilities:

  1. Eligibility:

    • Retailer must maintain a current business license certificate (or state equivalent) and provide a copy with Tax ID to Wholesaler.
    • Retailer must have a functioning URL owned by the entity applying for the wholesale account or proof (e.g., a picture and physical address) of a brick-and-mortar store.
  2. Customer Service:

    • Retailer is responsible for exemplary customer service, including responding to inquiries promptly.
  3. Product Representation:

    • Retailer must describe products accurately and categorize them appropriately.
    • Altering provided photos (e.g., cropping, adding text) is allowed only for website and marketing materials.
  4. Storage:

    • Retailer agrees to store products inside clear, plastic bags in a clean, smoke-free location.

3. Minimum Order Requirements

  • Initial Order: Wholesaler requires a minimum initial order of 500.
  • Reorders: Minimum reorder amount is 200.

4. Web Commerce

  • Retailer may sell products only through their URL or brick-and-mortar store.
  • Reselling on third-party platforms (e.g., Amazon, eBay) without Wholesaler’s written authority is prohibited.
  • Due to exclusivity, Retailer cannot resell Wholesaler’s products on Amazon.

5. Billing

  • Wholesaler does not extend credit terms.
  • All orders must be prepaid in full via major credit cards, PayPal, bank wire, or check.